Graphics/Interior Signage Chair Job Description

History - This Graphics Coordinator position was created in 2003-04 to give continuity and consistency to the appearance of all showcase publications. In 2018 it assumed the “Display-Kiosk”; job duties, creating just one position.

Primary Responsibilities

Attend Showcase Planning Committee Meetings.

Design and print the Information Kiosk graphics.

Design, print and mount signs needed for special events, committees and displays.

Assist other committee chairs as needed with graphics questions and concerns.

Consult with other chairs on visual design of Showcase print and display materials.

Keep archive of sponsor logos in color and grayscale digital files.

Does not design ads, poster, tear sheets or postcard, though may be consulted on style.

Print the materials for the kiosks.

Source and purchase the materials for the kiosks.

Layout and assemble the information on the kiosks.

Coordinate transport of the kiosks to and from the show, set up, take down, and store the kiosks and related materials.

Education / Experience / Skills:

Good organizational and communication skills.

Computer and graphics experience, including competence in PhotoShop and at least one design program, and the ability to generate high-resolution transportable files (.pdf or .eps)

for printing. Must be well versed in the software for the printing of all information.

Specific Duties/Timeline


Start gathering all info for the Demo and Info Kiosks. Get previous year’s award-winner photos

from poster chair. Begin preliminary re-design of info kiosk panels.

Collect information from special events coordinators and determine their needs. This may

include Visiting Artists, Group Clay Project, and the Lobby Display.


Get updates from Sponsorship chair.

Contact Clay in Education for updated information.

Begin info kiosk panel design.

Make the necessary repairs to kiosk frames.

Must be able to coordinate with the Traffic Chair and the Gallery Physical Set Up Chair for

the transportation of all materials to and from the show to the storage unit.


Get final map and artist directory from Map Chair for kiosks.

Layout and assemble all the materials for each kiosk.

Finalize and print out kiosk graphics.

Arrange for the transportation of all materials and kiosks to and from the show.

Print and mount any signage needed for Visiting Artists, Group Clay Project, and the Lobby


Wednesday prior to show

• Move the kiosks in early during the hours when vehicles may drive into the hall. Coordinate

pickup from the storage space with the Gallery Physical Set Up Chair.

Before take down on Sunday

• Coordinate moving the kiosks back to the storage space after the show with the Traffic Chair

and the Gallery Physical Set Up Chair.

Budget - Expenses include printing/copying, building materials, and miscellaneous supplies.

Specific supplies needed are: Printer paper for images, printer cartridges, museum putty for

hanging printed graphics.

Committee Needs – Committee Chair and one member.

Work Shift Needs - None.

Records Storage and Retention

• The chair archives graphics files, print-ready tif images, and sponsor logos for up to three

years on hard drive. Older files have been transferred to CD-ROM. Working files are in

Illustrator 6 or PhotoShop 6.0 for Mac.

• None of these files contain sensitive information.

Vendor Information

• Office Max/ImPress, Santa Clara Square, Eugene can do color prints up to 12”x18”

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