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Studio Partner Liaison-Showcase & Events

Primary Responsibilities

  • The Studio Partner Liaison supports the relationship between OPA and its studio partners. Studio Partners are clay studio businesses in Oregon and SW Washington that have registered and committed to be a part of OPA’s Studio Partner Program. 

  • Connect with current studio partners and promote OPA events, especially Showcase. Be a resource for studio partners to answer questions and generate creative ideas for engagement.

Education / Experience / Skills

  • Clear and friendly communication skills, written and verbal. Studios are managing the day to day business and events like Showcase are especially difficult because they have to communicate and organize more people. 

  • Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements, costs, available spaces, and resources that will be available for studios. 

  • Be encouraging, yet understanding if they are not able to participate.

  • Support the advancement of the ceramics community

  • Be creative with studios on ways to be involved in Showcase. They pay a different rate than members, and may not have sales as their primary goal in participating. 

Specific Duties/Timeline

By month and then specific dates to highlight

  • September

    • Get familiar with specific guidelines, costs, and deadlines for studio partner booths

    • Connect with studio partners to discuss Showcase participation and send out a personal email about Showcase that includes dates, ways to be involved, opportunities to support Clay in Education, and learn what they need to promote this event with their members. 

  • January

    • Send registration reminder two weeks prior to deadline

    • Make sure studio partners are up to date with their memberships so you don’t hit a snag later

  • February-March

    • Gather current photos, printed materials and bios for studio partners for Studio Partner table

    • Invite all current studio partners to bring in promotional materials to have near their poster on the studio partner display table. This is an unmanned table but partners could leave a small piece of pottery near their sign if they desired. 

    • Create foam core poster designs for partners and have designed approved by Graphics Committee (jklpottery@gmail.com has the current stock of foam core posters and easels). The design was very simple and the Graphics Committee can share the branding guide. Canva was simple to use. 

    • Print materials. You will only need to print the new partners posters unless they need to be redesigned. 

One to two weeks prior to show set up

  • Connect with participating partners and answer questions, give support and encouragement!

Wednesday/Thursday Set Up

  • Set up Group Booth display. Use a box podium and table runner to make it look nice. 

  • Purchase flowers to jazz up the table. 

During the show 

  • Check in frequently to maintain the booth and keep materials looking organized. 

  • Visit the studio partner booths that paid for booths and say hello. Thank them for participating!

End of the show 

  • Tear down Studio Partner booth and get items to storage

  • Review with participating studio partners and collect feedback about the event


  • $300 (Posters and easels). This likely won’t need to be spent this year since most partners already have posters and easels can be used again. 

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